The 15 years of Médoc actif


Médoc Actif has been around for 15 years now. A reason to celebrate? We marked our 5th anniversary with one of our European picnics in the park of the Abbey of Vertheuil and our 10th anniversary at the "Association européenne" award ceremony in Bordeaux. Although we were never a formal association, with the help of a considerable number of friends and supporters, we have been able to document much about the era of a tourism boom and the variety of activities in this region over these 15 years. In this sense, we see ourselves somewhat as witnesses to this era.

We’ve all grown 15 years older, and it shows on us personally as well. Some of our friends, authors, and companions of Médoc Actif have passed away in the meantime. Médoc Actif still exists, and we continue on, though we have no idea for how much longer. There won’t be a big celebration this time.

However, for the anniversary, we are pleased to show you a selection of "gifts" that have arrived over the years, which we’ve greatly appreciated. If you’d like to "unwrap" these gifts, please click on the packages.

2024 Christian Büttner/Elke Schwichtenberg (Grayan), traduction : ChatGPT

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Date: March 17, 2024, 6:21 PM
From: Anne-Marie Roux, née Vidou
Subject: Shell, Trompeloup, and a "Reunion of Old Friends"

Thank you very much for this wonderful article. I see that you are actively interested in our beautiful region. Keep it up, and don't hesitate to keep me informed.
Date: December 24, 2023, 6:30 PM
From: Shivranee Hatchootah
Subject: Happy Holidays

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Thank you for being part of my life and for being there. I hope you fully enjoy these moments with your loved ones or alone; life is precious, whether alone or with family, it’s an invaluable gift. A little poem for the end of the year:

"In the darkness, you told me, learn to see."
At first, I was lost, but now I see.
"Without a bowl, you told me, learn to taste."
At first, I was thirsty, but now I have drunk.
"Without moving, you told me, learn to touch."
At first, I was numb, but now I feel.
"In silence, you told me, learn to listen."
At first, I was deaf, but now I hear.
Date: July 4, 2022, 10:10 AM
From: Rodérick
Subject: Dog walk

We are coming to Soulac on vacation with our dog from July 8 to 20. Do you still offer group dog walks? If so, do you have a pre-set schedule?

Response: Hello Roderick, Isabelle Miossec regularly organizes professional dog walks. The walks will take place around Avensan, which might be a bit far for you? I have a small dog (Podenco mix) and know some less crowded paths in the area. Feel free to contact me for a walk together. Best regards, Gunhild (Lorenzen)
Date: January 20, 2021, 4:13 PM
From: Aurélie Perrot
Subject: Making contact

I’m writing to you because I just discovered on your site someone I’ve been looking for a long time and lost touch with when I moved to Germany in 2003. It’s my German teacher, Madame Jacqueline Tabuteau (at Hastignan College in St Medard en Jalles). If you could forward her my email address or give her my Facebook contact, I would be immensely grateful. Vielen Dank im Voraus.

Response: We will gladly forward your email.

Jacqueline Tabuteau: Thank you for forwarding: it’s really a miracle that Aurélie found me again!! I understand: Médoc-Actif is a miracle!! I just sent her an email; I'm not on Facebook, as you rightly say ;) she was the great class representative of one of my 3 or 4 best classes! Then I also had her two sisters.... a whole family story, you can’t forget something like that!
Date: July 26, 2020, 9:36 AM From: Isabelle Mertz Subject: Newsletter Thank you for recording Mr. Lescorce (→ listen), this document is extraordinary, precious.
Date: May 12, 2019, 10:25 PM
From: Bernard & Ewa from St Estèphe
Subject: 8th European Picnic

This email is to warmly thank you for that charming afternoon in Vertheuil for the European picnic. Conviviality, good atmosphere, all the right ingredients were there. Even the good weather made an appearance! So, a big thank you and congratulations for all the organization!
Date: October 7, 2018, 1:51 PM
From: Isabelle Perciaux
Subject: Publishing on Médoc Actif

I regularly visit Soulac-sur-Mer, where close friends live. Of course, I’ve wandered its wild and beautiful beach, traversed the past in the heart of the bunkers, and since I write, I wanted to send you a tribute text that would link the past to the present, speaking of the stone and the sea, intertwined... Would my modest composition find a place within your structure? Thank you for your conservation work and for the beauty of the site, preserved.

Here it is:
Date: September 27, 2017, 9:27 PM
From: Christian Desoutter
Subject: 55cms 1.350kgs

Not far from this fisherman... I, a beginner fisherman with strong line, was surprised by his catches...hihihi... Here are the fish... also spotted sea bass... but a bit bigger as you can see...
Date: August 11, 2016, 11:27 AM
From: Véronique Memleb
Subject: The German Quarter Hour

Good initiative, I heard the 1/4 hour on Aqui FM, nothing to say!! I congratulate you on all these programs and for encouraging the Médoc! !
Date: April 19, 2015, 11:39 AM
From: Michèle Morlan-Tardat
Subject: Hollywood in Médoc

All I can say about "Hollywood" is that when I was a teenager, in the 1950s, the boat was still visible at low tide.
Date: July 3, 2014, 8:34 PM
From: Monique Gaillard-Seutin
Subject: New articles

Thank you, thank you for making us relive those powerful moments, experienced in our Médoc! Things are happening in the region! Bravo to those who were behind the lenses! Lesparre in the Middle Ages, Soulac 1900 1900, our Médocains really teleported themselves, this June 2014! Sincere congratulations to Elke and Christian, keep the good eye!
Date: July 9, 2013, 12:31 AM
From: Pauline Brunet
Subject: Town Crier

I just discovered your town crier initiative, I find it very interesting, and I would love for it to happen in Castelnau at the Sunday market, for example, during a festival, like the Christmas market in late November.
Date: June 4, 2012, 10:22 PM
From: Martine (from La petite fabrique)

Subject: Art at the Bunker

Thank you, Elke, for this video. I have taken many great photos of the graffiti on our beaches, but never caught the artists in action on the bunkers. And then... I’ve been wanting to tell you this for a long time... thank you also for everything this site brings us. See you soon.
Date: July 2, 2011, 12:09 PM
From: Yves Bernier
Subject: New article

Thank you for your email. For Médoc information, you should check out the weekly "Le Journal du Médoc" which comes out every Friday, and includes articles, among other things, on the 400th anniversary of the Cordouan lighthouse, the Statue of Liberty in Soulac, and +++, and the fortress, and the industrial projects of the Pointe Médoc, and the CDC of the Pointe Médoc, all written by Médocains who are involved and informed. A must-see, on sale in newsstands for the past 15 days "Médoc Magazine" summer annual edition, a very beautiful brochure on glossy paper.
Date: January 31, 2010, 10:08 AM
From: Annie Roffé
Subject: Girls’ Aperitif

The idea of a girls’ aperitif is very appealing.. I’m in, girls always have lots to say, and there’s no shortage of topics! When will this project be implemented?
We would be delighted if you continue to remain loyal to us!