Detoxifying Plants
This time 12 people were present with Séverine, the speaker.
She talked about her farm, its plants and animals (pigs and chickens), and gave detailed information on the detoxifying plants (chicory, rosemary, nettle). Rosemary was presented as a broad-spectrum detoxicant.
Important points to bear in mind when preparing infusions: pour hot water, no more than 80C, on the leaves and allow to infuse for about 10 minutes. Prepare roots with boiling water. When you dry the leaves don’t pour them into a sealed container but store them in a shady, well-ventilated place. Certain plants develop their strength better when they are dried.
Conversation was very lively, participants were full of interest, and everyone was enthusiastic about the meeting. At the end Florence served a pumpkin soup – we had brought our own baguettes. Then suddenly two plates of eggs mixed with herbs appeared on the table. They were accompanied by warm (mulled?) wine brought by one of the participants.
2020 Gunhild Lorenzen (Soulac), translation: Margaret and Richard Beasley