Patrick Pawliczek

Patrick Pawliczek has produced a number
of watercolours of Soulac villas which will
soon be published in a book. These watercolours
will be exhibited in Soulac during the Easter
weekend and during the 'Soulac 1900' festival.

Having studied at the School of Fine Arts in Bordeaux, then in Paris, I discovered pottery in the 2000s. So I trained at the Institute of
French Ceramics in Sèvres, and went on a course in Japan (Ischoken School in Tajimi) before opening my own studio in Paris. I then discovered
the world of flower decoration by working for numerous floral artists, notably Henri Moulié, decorator of the Elysée Palace, and Gilles Pothier,
champion of the world of flower artists. The decorator Jacques Garcia took several of my works for the shop in his Château of Champ de Bataille
in the Eure. Lastly, many restaurants, of which one had a star, used my plates as their crockery or as decoration. The pieces I create are in
stoneware and glazed in white, black or shades of sea green. Most of the pieces are inspired by the vegetable or mineral world.
Aside from these activities, I continue with my graphic work in Chinese ink and watercolour. Booklets of illustrations of the Médoc are in
preparation. All these activities were carried out while I was also building a career as an executive at the Banque de France.
In 2018, once I had retired from these Parisian functions, I returned to my Médocain, or more precisely Vensacian, roots. This led me to discover
the many charms of the Médoc: atlantic and estuarian, gastronomic and, of course, viticultural.