Anne Fontana



My best memory of the solo concert of May 22: the audience in the church of
Saint Christoly spontaneously sang with me.

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Anne Fontana et Lise Lienhard

It’s no secret : a song’s lyrics are often difficult to comprehend. I always encourage myself to make them approachable. It’s always preferable to start early at the school. I followed the training of a part-time drop-in musician to the school, parallel to my career as a vocalist. That enabled me to assemble educational and musical projects to discover the meaning of lyrics with the children.

I also assemble recitals which make it possible to approach the song’s lyrics in an original and pleasant way. It’s an example of the recitals from the Fables of the Fountain, with dialogues between the pianist and me, which accentuate the humour of the fables. “With the principal song, we have difficulty understanding the words!’’ However, despite this you will come to understand them, since it’s these best-known Fables which you know almost by heart (of course). And yes !, even if I were to have a memory lapse, there would always be someone in the public who could whisper them to me.

So, it’s agreed, it’s not difficult . Reassure yourself, that does not prevent me from being very demanding on the level of the enunciation, such that the words are fully comprehensible. To that is added a very expressive interpretation. I thus hope to share this art with the as many people as possible. The pianist with whom I work is called Lise Lienhard. It is a fortunate to have met her, due to her complementary personal and musical qualities.